How to develop this package by yourself

Download the project

Similar to section "Installation", run

julia> using Pkg

julia> pkg"dev AbInitioSoftwareBase"

Then the package will be cloned to your local machine at a path. On macOS, by default is located at ~/.julia/dev/AbInitioSoftwareBase unless you modify the JULIA_DEPOT_PATH environment variable. (See Julia's official documentation on how to do this.) In the following text, we will call it PKGROOT.

Instantiate the project

Go to PKGROOT, start a new Julia session and run

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()

How to build docs

Usually, the up-to-state doc is available in here, but there are cases where users need to build the doc themselves.

After instantiating the project, go to PKGROOT, run (without the $ prompt)

$ julia --color=yes docs/make.jl

in your terminal. In a while a folder PKGROOT/docs/build will appear. Open PKGROOT/docs/build/index.html with your favorite browser and have fun!

How to run tests

After instantiating the project, go to PKGROOT, run (without the $ prompt)

$ julia --color=yes test/runtests.jl

in your terminal.