
This page collects some possible errors you may encounter along with tips on how to fix them. If you have some questions about how to use this code, you are welcome to discuss with us.

If you have additional tips, please either report an issue or submit a pull request with suggestions.

Cannot find the Julia executable

Make sure you have Julia installed in your environment. Please download the latest stable version for your platform. If you are using a *nix system, the recommended way is to use Juliaup. If you do not want to install Juliaup or you are using other platforms that Julia supports, download the corresponding binaries. Then, create a symbolic link to the Julia executable. If the path is not in your $PATH environment variable, export it to your $PATH.

Some clusters, like Comet, or Expanse, already have Julia installed as a module, you may just module load julia to use it. If not, either install by yourself or contact your administrator.

See Installation Guide for more information.

Julia starts slow

First, we recommend you download the latest version of Julia. Usually, the newest version has the best performance.

If you need to use Julia for a simple, one-time task, you can start the Julia REPL with

julia --compile=min

to minimize compilation or

julia --optimize=0

to minimize optimizations, or just use both. Or you could make a system image and run with

julia --sysimage

See Fredrik Ekre's talk for details.