How to make your data portable?

After an equation-of-state-fitting, for instance, you want to save the returned EquationOfState to share with a colleague or for future use. Julia provides several ways to do this. Below I will list one recommended way: saving it to a JLD format by JLD2.jl package.

JLD is a specific "dialect" of HDF5, a cross-platform, multi-language data storage format most frequently used for scientific data.

  1. Install JLD2.jl and FileIO.jl packages.

    julia> using Pkg
    julia> Pkg.add("FileIO"); Pkg.add("JLD2")
  2. Create some EquationOfStates:

    julia> using EquationsOfState.Collections, Unitful, UnitfulAtomic
    julia> m = Murnaghan(224.501825, 0.00060479524074699499, 3.723835, -323.417686)
    Murnaghan{Float64}(224.501825, 0.000604795240746995, 3.723835, -323.417686)
    julia> bm = BirchMurnaghan3rd(224.4445656763778u"bohr^3", 9.194980249913018u"GPa", 3.7403684211716297, -161.70885710742223u"hartree")
    BirchMurnaghan3rd{Quantity{Float64,D,U} where U where D}(224.4445656763778 a₀^3, 9.194980249913018 GPa, 3.7403684211716297, -161.70885710742223 Eₕ)
  3. Save them to file "eos.jld2":

    julia> using JLD2, FileIO
    julia> @save "/some/path/eos.jld2" m bm
  4. On another computer, or some days later, load them into REPL:

    julia> using EquationsOfState.Collections, Unitful, UnitfulAtomic
    julia> @load "/some/path/eos.jld2" m bm

    Now variables m and bm represent the orginal EquationOfStates:

    julia> m.b0
    julia> m.bp0
    julia> bm.v0
    224.4445656763778 a₀^3
    julia> bm.b0
    9.194980249913018 GPa

For more details on the JLD format, please refer to JLD.jl's doc, JLD2.jl's doc or this discussion.