What is the difference between Express and express?

express is the workflow framework's name, while Express is the short form of Express.jl, the Julia implementation of express. We do not want the project's name linked to a specific programming language: who says we cannot have a Python version of express in the future?

Why do you create express?

Those projects are of very high quality and are de facto standards of the materials simulation community. They have much larger teams and longer history than us, so it is unrealistic to say we are better than them in every aspect in the first few releases of express. However, it does not mean we cannot have our features or advantages. Our code is better at modularity, extensibility, and readability.

First, some packages only implement workflows for specific software. By far, Quantum ESPRESSO is only supported by a few packages. Considering the number of users in the Quantum ESPRESSO community (1000-2000 citations per year), there is a great need for an advanced and eclectic workflow ecosystem.

Second, most of their effort is put into dealing with servers, networks, databases, web interfaces, file formats, etc., while the code's core logic takes up only a small part, leaving gigantic packages that are hard to understand and integrate into users' code. On the contrary, express is a highly modularized collection of packages, with each of them providing a succinct, almost independent, complete set of functionalities frequently used in materials modeling. Inside each package, every type and function are also loosely coupled. Users can pick up pieces of our code and incorporate them into theirs effortlessly. It is also possible for users to build customized workflows. In fact, each workflow in Express.jl is just a collection of predefined wrappers of functions provided by its dependencies. Part of the express project can be installed and used if necessary. For example, Pseudopotentials.jl, Crystallography.jl, EquationsOfStateOfSolids.jl, and QuantumESPRESSO.jl, are distinct packages. They can work together to form the equation of state workflow. They can also work separately, such as managing pseudopotentials, calculating structural symmetry, fitting existing data.

In addition, many packages mentioned above are implemented in Python, a convenient language when building a prototype project but not the most convenient one when developing a large project due to readability and performance issues (For this reason, Dropbox, Inc. is writing a static type checker mypy to make large Python programs easier to read, and people are working on a faster Python implementation called PyPy.). However, Julia has built-in support for type annotations, making it extremely readable and performant. Namely, it is easy to write generic Julia code without losing performance. Another benefit of using Julia is good compatibility between codebases. Because of its multimethods feature, different Julia packages usually just "magically" work together. For example, our users never need to convert units. With the help of Unitful.jl, we can always write literal units obtained from experiments and do not need to consider whether they are the same or not. This is helpful when fitting equations of state, modifying crystal structures, etc. We usually do not have such flexibility in other languages, including Python, where sometimes wrapper code is needed. From the developers' perspectives, we seldom need to adapt to others' code. From the users' perspectives, they can use customized data structures without worrying about code incompatibility.

At last, some of the workflows we shipped in express are uniquely developed by us. See the introduction of the qha package, which can calculate quasiharmonic free energy for multi-configuration systems. We also have some workflows that will be integrated into express shortly, including but not limited to, the phonon gas model workflow that was used to calculate thermodynamic properties of ε-Fe with thermal electronic excitation effects on vibrational spectra, and the thermoelasticity workflow based on the Wu–Wentzcovitch semi-analytical method (SAM).