
This document provides instructions for installing the pgm package. pgm Code is a code to calculate thermodynamic properties of matter using phonon gas model (PGM) in Python.

The installation process is straightforward and requires only a few steps.

Install Directly from PyPI

You can install the pgm package directly from PyPI without having to clone the repository.

$ pip install phonon-gas-model

For those who wish to clone the repository and install manually, the following steps will guide you.

Clone the repository

To install the pgm package, first clone the code repository using git:

$ git clone

Change to the code directory

After cloning the code repository, change to the code directory using cd:

$ cd pgm

This will change the current working directory to the pgm directory where the code is located.

Install the requirements

After changing to the code directory, install the required Python packages using pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This will read the requirements.txt file in the current directory (i.e., the pgm directory) and install all the required packages.

Install the package

Finally, install the pgm package using pip:

$ pip install .

This will install the package into your Python environment and make it available for use in your Python code.


Congratulations, you have successfully installed the pgm Python package! If you encounter any issues during the installation process, please consult the documentation or contact the developers for assistance.