Source code for qha.basic_io.input_maker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module make_input
   :platform: Unix, Windows, Mac, Linux
   :synopsis: Use data files from Quantum ESPRESSO and other software to generate a standard input.
.. moduleauthor:: Qi Zhang <>
.. moduleauthor:: Tian Qin <>

import pathlib
import re
import warnings
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scientific_string import strings_to_integers
from text_stream import TextStream
from yaml import load

from qha.type_aliases import Matrix, Vector

    from yaml import CLoader as Loader
except ImportError:
    from yaml import Loader

# ===================== What can be exported? =====================
__all__ = ['FromQEOutput']

[docs]class FromQEOutput: """ A class that can generate a standard "input" file for the ``qha run`` command if the original data is given by Quantum ESPRESSO. :param inp_file_list: A YAML file that contains three keys and values: 1. ``formula_unit_number``: The number of formula units in a unit cell. 2. ``comment``: Comment that could be added as the first line of the ``input``, which usually specifies the system which user wants to calculate. 3. ``frequency_files``: A YAML list of strings specifying all the frequency files given by Quantum ESPRESSO ``matdyn.x``. To become more familiar with YAML syntax, which is used in the "settings" file, please refer to `this documentation <>`_. :param inp_static: A pure text file specifying the energies and pressures of each volume from the static calculation. The order of these volumes must be the same as the ``frequency_files`` listing order. :param inp_q_points: A pure text file specifying the q-points' coordinates and their corresponding weights in the Brillouin zone. """ def __init__(self, inp_file_list: str, inp_static: str, inp_q_points: str): self._inp_file_list = inp_file_list self._inp_static = inp_static self._inp_q_points = inp_q_points self._frequency_files: Optional[List[str]] = None self.formula_unit_number: Optional[int] = None self.comment: Optional[str] = None self.pressures = None self.volumes = None self.static_energies = None self.q_coordinates = None self.q_weights = None self.frequencies = None
[docs] def read_file_list(self) -> None: """ Read all the files' names for frequency files given by Quantum ESPRESSO program ``matdyn.x``. """ with open(self._inp_file_list, 'r') as f: d = load(f, Loader=Loader) self.formula_unit_number = int(d['formula_unit_number']) self.comment: str = d['comment'] self._frequency_files: List[str] = d['frequency_files']
[docs] def read_static(self) -> None: """ Read static information, including pressures (which will not be used in calculation by now), optimized volumes, and static energies. """ pressures = [] volumes = [] energies = [] with open(self._inp_static, 'r') as f: print( "Reading static data: emtpy lines or lines starting with '#' will be ignored!") for line in f: if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'): # Ignore empty line or comment line continue match = re.match(r"p\s*=\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)\s*v\s*=\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)\s*e\s*=\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)", line, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if match is None: continue p, v, e = match.groups() pressures.append(p), volumes.append(v), energies.append(e) self.pressures = np.array(pressures, dtype=float) self.volumes = np.array(volumes, dtype=float) self.static_energies = np.array(energies, dtype=float)
[docs] def read_q_points(self) -> None: """ Read q-points' coordinates and their weights in the Brillouin zone. The q-points' coordinates are supposed to be three-dimensional. No other information should be given. If user still wants to, write lines that start with ``#``, and then they will be ignored when reading. """ q_coordinates = [] q_weights = [] with open(self._inp_q_points, 'r') as f: print( "Reading q-points file: emtpy lines or lines starting with '#' will be ignored!") regex = re.compile( r"\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)") for line in f: if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'): # Ignore empty line or comment line continue match = regex.match(line) if not regex.match(line): raise RuntimeError( "Unknown line! Should be 3 coordinates and 1 weight, other lines should be commented with '#'.") else: g = match.groups() q_coordinates.append(g[0:3]) # TODO: Check possible bug, what if the regex match fails q_weights.append(g[3]) self.q_coordinates = np.array(q_coordinates, dtype=float) # TODO: Possible bug, ``np.array([])`` is regarded as ``False`` self.q_weights = np.array(q_weights, dtype=float)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_frequency_file(inp: str) -> Tuple[Vector, Matrix]: """ Read Quantum ESPRESSO's output for phonon frequencies. This method is provided for reading only one file. :param inp: The name or path of the file. :return: The q-space coordinates of each q-point in the file and corresponding frequencies for each q-point on each band. """ text_stream = TextStream(pathlib.Path(inp)) gen: Iterator[str] = text_stream.generator_telling_position() q_coordinates = [] frequencies = [] regex = re.compile(r"nbnd\s*=\s*(\d*),\s*nks=\s*(\d*)") offset = None # Initialization bands_amount = None q_points_amount = None for line, offset in gen: if not line.strip(): continue if 'nbnd' or 'nks' in line: match = if not match: raise RuntimeError( "The head line '{0}' is not complete! Here 'nbnd' and 'nks' are not found!".format(line)) else: bands_amount, q_points_amount = strings_to_integers( match.groups()) break gen: Iterator[str] = text_stream.generator_starts_from(offset) quotient = bands_amount // 6 # QE splits branches into 6 columns per line for line in gen: if not line.strip(): continue q_coordinates.append(line.split()) x = np.array([]) for _ in range(quotient): line = next(gen) # Start a new line x = np.hstack((x, line.split())) frequencies.append(x) q_coordinates = np.array(q_coordinates, dtype=float) frequencies = np.array(frequencies, dtype=float) if q_coordinates.shape[0] != q_points_amount: raise RuntimeError( "The number of q-points detected, {0}, is not the same as what specified in head line!".format( q_coordinates.shape[0])) if frequencies.shape != (q_points_amount, bands_amount): raise RuntimeError( "The frequencies array shape '{0}' is not the same as '{1}'!".format( frequencies.shape, (q_points_amount, bands_amount))) return q_coordinates, frequencies
[docs] def read_frequency_files(self) -> None: """ Read the phonon frequencies for all files (which are specified in the ``frequency_files`` key of the settings file). """ frequencies_for_all_files = [] if any(_ is None for _ in (self.q_coordinates, self.q_weights)): # If any of them is ``None`` self.read_q_points() # Fill these 2 properties for i in range(len(self._frequency_files)): q_coordinates, frequencies = self.read_frequency_file( self._frequency_files[i]) # Here I use `allclose` rather than `array_equal` since they may have very little # differences even they are supposed to be the same, because of the digits QE gave. if not np.allclose(q_coordinates, self.q_coordinates): warnings.warn("The q-points' coordinates are different from what specified in the q-point file!", stacklevel=1) frequencies_for_all_files.append(frequencies) # Shape: (# volumes, # q-points, # bands on each point) self.frequencies = np.array(frequencies_for_all_files)
[docs] def write_to_file(self, outfile='input') -> None: """ Write all data to a file *outfile*, which will be regarded as standard input file for ``qha``. :param outfile: The path or name of the output file, by default is ``'input'`` (for further calculation). """ path = pathlib.Path(outfile) if path.is_file(): print( "Old '{0}' file found, I will backup it before continue.".format(outfile)) path.rename(outfile + '.backup') with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write("# {0}\n".format(self.comment)) f.write('# The file contains frequencies and weights at the END!\n') f.write( '# Number of volumes (nv), q-vectors (nq), normal mode (np), formula units(nm)\n') # TODO: Possible bug introduced in formatting f.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n\n".format(len(self.volumes), len(self.q_weights), self.frequencies.shape[-1], self.formula_unit_number)) for i in range(len(self.volumes)): f.write("P={0:20.10f} V={1:20.10f} E={2:20.10f}\n".format(self.pressures[i], self.volumes[i], self.static_energies[i])) for j in range(len(self.q_weights)): f.write("{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f}\n".format( *self.q_coordinates[j])) for k in range(self.frequencies.shape[-1]): f.write("{0:20.10f}\n".format( self.frequencies[i, j, k])) f.write('\nweight\n') for j in range(len(self.q_weights)): f.write("{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f} {3:12.8f}\n".format( *self.q_coordinates[j], self.q_weights[j]))