Source code for qha.basic_io.read_input

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module read_input
   :platform: Unix, Windows, Mac, Linux
   :synopsis: Read file and write calculated value to files.
.. moduleauthor:: Qi Zhang <>
.. moduleauthor:: Tian Qin <>

import pathlib
import re
from typing import Iterator, Union, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scientific_string import strings_to_integers
from text_stream import TextStream

from qha.type_aliases import Vector, Array3D

# ===================== What can be exported? =====================
__all__ = ['read_input']

[docs]def read_input(inp: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath]) -> Tuple[int, Vector, Vector, Array3D, Vector]: """ Read the standard "input" file for ``qha``. :param inp: The filename or its path. :return: The input data. They are - the number of formula unit in a unit cell, - the number of volumes in *inp*, - the static energies of each volume, - a 3D array, i.e., the frequencies of each volume of each q-point of each mode, and - a vector of weights of each q-point, respectively. """ text_stream = TextStream(pathlib.Path(inp)) gen: Iterator[str] = text_stream.generator_telling_position() volumes_amount = None q_points_amount = None modes_per_q_point_amount = None formula_unit_number = None offset = 0 # Now we start reading some metadata. regex0 = re.compile("\s*(\d+)[\s,]*(\d+)[\s,]*(\d+)[\s,]*(\d+)") for line, offset in gen: if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'): continue match = if match is None: continue else: volumes_amount, q_points_amount, modes_per_q_point_amount, formula_unit_number = strings_to_integers( match.groups()) break # If the metadata is not found, check the *inp*! if any(_ is None for _ in (volumes_amount, q_points_amount, modes_per_q_point_amount)): raise ValueError("At least one of the desired values 'nv', 'nq', 'np' is not found in file {0}!".format(inp)) # Generate containers for storing the following data. volumes = np.empty(volumes_amount, dtype=float) static_energies = np.empty(volumes_amount, dtype=float) frequencies = np.empty((volumes_amount, q_points_amount, modes_per_q_point_amount), dtype=float) q_weights = np.empty(q_points_amount, dtype=float) # We start a new iterator from where we stopped. gen = text_stream.generator_starts_from(offset) i = 0 # volume count j = 0 # q-point index, note it is not count like `i`! # Now we start reading the energies, volumes, and frequencies. regex1 = re.compile("P\s*=\s*-?\d*\.?\d*\s*V\s*=(\s*\d*\.?\d*)\s*E\s*=\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)", re.IGNORECASE) for line in gen: if not line.strip(): continue if '=' in line: match = if match is None: raise ValueError("Search of pattern {0} failed in line '{1}!".format(regex1.pattern, line)) else: volumes[i], static_energies[i] = match.groups() i += 1 j = 0 continue sp = line.split() if len(sp) == 3: for k in range(modes_per_q_point_amount): # Note `k` is the index of mode, like `j`, not count like `i`. line = next(gen) frequencies[i - 1, j, k] = line j += 1 continue if 'weight' in line.lower(): break # Now we start reading q-point-weights. We start the exact iterator from where we stopped. j = 0 for line in gen: if not line.strip(): continue q_weights[j] = line.split()[-1] # This line has format: q_x q_y q_z weight, and only weight is taken j += 1 if i != volumes_amount: raise ValueError('The number of volumes detected is not equal to what specified in head! Check your file!') return formula_unit_number, volumes, static_energies, frequencies, q_weights