Source code for qha.grid_interpolation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module grid_interpolation
   :platform: Unix, Windows, Mac, Linux
   :synopsis: This module defines a class ``FinerGrid`` that will do Birch--Murnaghan EoS fitting on the input
    free energies and volumes, and evaluate the fitted function on a denser volume grid.
.. moduleauthor:: Tian Qin <>
.. moduleauthor:: Qi Zhang <>

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from numba import vectorize, float64

from qha.fitting import polynomial_least_square_fitting, apply_finite_strain_fitting
from qha.type_aliases import Vector, Matrix
from qha.unit_conversion import gpa_to_ry_b3

# ===================== What can be exported? =====================
__all__ = [

@vectorize([float64(float64, float64)], nopython=True)
def calculate_eulerian_strain(v0, vs):
    Calculate the Eulerian strain (:math:`f`s) of a given volume vector *vs* with respect to a reference volume *v0*,

    .. math::

       f = \\frac{ 1 }{ 2 } \\bigg( \\Big( \\frac{ V_0 }{ V }^{2/3} \\Big) -1 \\bigg).

    :param v0: The volume set as the reference for the Eulerian strain calculation.
    :param vs: A volume vector, each item of which will be calculated the Eulerian strain with respect to *v0*.
    :return: A vector of the calculated Eulerian strain.
    return 1 / 2 * ((v0 / vs) ** (2 / 3) - 1)

@vectorize([float64(float64, float64)], nopython=True)
def from_eulerian_strain(v0, fs):
    Calculate the corresponding volumes :math:`V`s from a vector of given Eulerian strains (*fs*)
    and a reference volume *v0*. It is the inverse function of ``calculate_eulerian_strain``, i.e.,

    .. math::

       V = V_0 (2 f + 1)^{-3/2}.

    :param v0: The volume set as a reference for volume calculation, i.e., :math:`V_0` mentioned above.
    :param fs: A vector of Eulerian strains with respect to :math:`V_0`.
    :return: A vector of calculated volume :math:`V`s.
    return v0 * (2 * fs + 1) ** (-3 / 2)

[docs]class VolumeExpander: """ Interpolate volumes on input volumes *in_volumes*, with *ratio* given. For the Eulerian strain, the larger the strain, the smaller the volume. So larger volume corresponds to smaller strain. Algorithm: 1. Find the maximum and minimum volumes of *in_volumes*. 2. Expand the lower and upper bounds of the volumes to :math:`V_\\text{lower}` and :math:`V_\\text{upper}` by :math:`V_\\text{lower} = \\frac{ V_\\text{min} }{ r }` and :math:`V_\\text{upper} = V_\\text{max} r`, where :math:`r` is the *ratio*, which is usually an empirical parameter. 3. The Eulerian strains of :math:`V_\\text{lower}` and :math:`V_\\text{upper}` with respect to :math:`V_\\text{max}` is calculated. Then a linear sequence between the lower and upper bounds of the strains is generated. It is the ``strains`` attribute. 4. The volumes corresponding to ``strains`` are generated by function ``from_eulerian_strain``. **Note:** To use this class, the method ``interpolate_volumes`` must be called immediately after instantiating it. Otherwise, the ``strains`` and ``out_volumes`` attributes are all ``None``, which is usually not expected. :param in_volumes: An input vector of volumes. :param out_volumes_num: Number of output volumes. It should be larger than the number of input volumes. :param ratio: The ratio of the upper bounds of expanded volumes with respect to the largest input volume in *in_volumes*. An empirical parameter, better lower than ``1.5``. Otherwise, the later result may not be reliable. """ def __init__(self, in_volumes: Vector, out_volumes_num: int, ratio: float): self._in_volumes = np.array(in_volumes, dtype=float) self._out_volumes_num = int(out_volumes_num) self._ratio = float(ratio) self._strains = None self._out_volumes = None @property def in_volumes(self): """ :return: Input volume vector, read only. """ return self._in_volumes @property def ratio(self) -> float: """ An empirical parameter, usually larger than ``1`` and lower than ``1.5``. :return: A floating-point number described in the algorithm above. """ return self._ratio @ratio.setter def ratio(self, value: float): self._ratio = float(value) @property def out_volumes_num(self) -> int: """ :return: The number of output volumes user wants, usually greater than the number of input volumes. """ return self._out_volumes_num @out_volumes_num.setter def out_volumes_num(self, value: int): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("The argument *out_volumes_num* must be an integer!") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("The argument *out_volumes_num* must be an integer larger than 0!") self._out_volumes_num = value @property def strains(self) -> Optional[Vector]: """ An arithmetic sequence starting from the lower bound to the upper bound of the expanded strain, the number of elements in it is specified by ``out_volumes_num`` attribute. :return: A vector of strains if method ``interpolate_volumes`` is called, otherwise ``None`` is returned. """ return self._strains @property def out_volumes(self) -> Optional[Vector]: """ The volumes interpolated by the algorithm described above. :return: If method ``interpolate_volumes`` is called, a vector of output volumes is returned, otherwise ``None`` is returned. """ return self._out_volumes
[docs] def interpolate_volumes(self) -> None: """ The algorithm is described above. This method should be called immediately after an instance of the class is created, unless user is clear what is being done. """ v_min, v_max = np.min(self._in_volumes), np.max(self._in_volumes) # r = v_upper / v_max = v_min / v_lower v_lower, v_upper = v_min / self._ratio, v_max * self._ratio # The *v_max* is a reference value here. s_upper, s_lower = calculate_eulerian_strain(v_max, v_lower), calculate_eulerian_strain(v_max, v_upper) self._strains = np.linspace(s_lower, s_upper, self._out_volumes_num) self._out_volumes = from_eulerian_strain(v_max, self._strains)
[docs]class FinerGrid: """ A class that will do the Birch--Murnaghan finite-strain equation of state fitting, moreover, evaluate the free energies on the denser volume vector. :param desired_p_min: The desired minimum pressure to calculate for further steps. :param dense_volumes_amount: The number of volumes on a denser grid. :param order: The order of the Birch--Murnaghan finite-strain equation of state fitting. """ def __init__(self, desired_p_min: float, dense_volumes_amount: int, order: Optional[int] = 3): self.desired_p_min = float(desired_p_min) self.dense_volumes_amount = int(dense_volumes_amount) self.option = int(order) self._ratio = None @property def ratio(self) -> float: return self._ratio
[docs] def approach_to_best_ratio(self, volumes: Vector, free_energies: Vector, initial_ratio: float) -> float: """ Trying to find the best volume grids based on an a very large volume grids. :param volumes: Volumes of these calculations were perform (sparse). :param free_energies: Free energies at the highest temperature (sparse). :param initial_ratio: Initial ratio, a guess value, which can be set to a very large number. :return: The suitable `ratio` for further calculation. """ vr = VolumeExpander(volumes, self.dense_volumes_amount, initial_ratio) vr.interpolate_volumes() strains, finer_volumes = vr.strains, vr.out_volumes eulerian_strain = calculate_eulerian_strain(volumes[0], volumes) _, f_v_tmax = polynomial_least_square_fitting(eulerian_strain, free_energies, strains, self.option) p_v_tmax = -np.gradient(f_v_tmax) / np.gradient(finer_volumes) p_desire = gpa_to_ry_b3(self.desired_p_min) # Find the index of the first pressure value that slightly smaller than p_desire. idx = np.argmin(p_v_tmax < p_desire) final_ratio = finer_volumes[idx] / max(volumes) return final_ratio
[docs] def refine_grid(self, volumes: Vector, free_energies: Matrix, ratio: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[Vector, Matrix, float]: """ Get the appropriate volume grid for interpolation. Avoid to use a too large volume grid to obtain data, which might lose accuracy. :param free_energies: Calculated Helmholtz Free Energies for input volumes (sparse). :param volumes: Volumes of these calculations were performed (sparse). :param ratio: This ratio is used to get a larger volume grid :return: volume, Helmholtz free energy at a denser vector, and the `ratio` used in this calculation """ if ratio is not None: new_ratio: float = ratio else: new_ratio = self.approach_to_best_ratio(volumes, free_energies[-1, :], 1.45) if new_ratio < 1.0: # If the ``new_ratio`` is smaller than 1.0, which means the volumes calculated is large enough, # there is no need to expand the volumes. new_ratio = 1.0 self._ratio = new_ratio eulerian_strain = calculate_eulerian_strain(volumes[0], volumes) vr = VolumeExpander(in_volumes=volumes, out_volumes_num=self.dense_volumes_amount, ratio=new_ratio) vr.interpolate_volumes() # As mentioned in ``VolumeExpander`` doc, call this method immediately. strains, dense_volumes = vr.strains, vr.out_volumes dense_free_energies = apply_finite_strain_fitting(eulerian_strain, free_energies, strains, self.option) return dense_volumes, dense_free_energies, new_ratio