Source code for qha.multi_configurations.different_phonon_dos

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module multi_configurations.different_phonon_dos
   :platform: Unix, Windows, Mac, Linux
.. moduleauthor:: Qi Zhang <>
.. moduleauthor:: Tian Qin <>

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from lazy_property import LazyProperty
from scipy.constants import physical_constants as pc
from scipy.special import logsumexp

import qha.settings
from qha.single_configuration import free_energy
from import calibrate_energy_on_reference
from qha.type_aliases import Array4D, Scalar, Vector, Matrix

# ===================== What can be exported? =====================
__all__ = ['PartitionFunction']

K = {'ha': pc['Boltzmann constant in eV/K'][0] / pc['Hartree energy in eV'][0],
     'ry': pc['Boltzmann constant in eV/K'][0] / pc['Rydberg constant times hc in eV'][0],
     'ev': pc['Boltzmann constant in eV/K'][0],
     'SI': pc['Boltzmann constant'][0]}[qha.settings.energy_unit]

[docs]class PartitionFunction: """ A class that represents the partition function of multiple configurations with different phonon density of states. In mathematics, it is represented as .. math:: Z_{\\text{all configs}}(T, V) = \\sum_{j = 1}^{N_{c}} g_{j} Z_{j}(T, V), where :math:`N_{c}` stands for the number of configurations and :math:`g_{j}` stands for degeneracy for the :math:`j` th configuration. :param temperature: The temperature at which the partition function is calculated. :param degeneracies: An array of degeneracies of each configuration, which will not be normalized in the calculation. They should all be positive integers. :param q_weights: The weights of all q-points that are sampled, can be a 2D matrix so each configuration can have a little bit different q-point weights, but the number of q-points of each configuration must be the same. :param static_energies: The static energy of each configuration of each volume. :param volumes: A matrix of volumes of each configuration, should have the same values for each configuration. :param frequencies: A 4D array that specifies the frequency on each configuration, volume, q-point and mode. :param static_only: Whether the calculation only takes static contribution and does not consider the vibrational contribution, by default, is ``False``. :param precision: The precision of a big float number to represent the partition function since it is a very large value, by default, is ``500``. :param order: The order of Birch--Murnaghan equation of state fitting, by default, is ``3``. """ def __init__(self, temperature: Scalar, degeneracies: Vector, q_weights: Matrix, static_energies: Matrix, volumes: Matrix, frequencies: Array4D, static_only: Optional[bool] = False, precision: Optional[int] = 500, order: Optional[int] = 3): if not np.all(np.greater_equal(degeneracies, 0)): raise ValueError('Degeneracies should all be greater equal than 0!') if not np.all(np.greater_equal( q_weights, 0)): # Weights should all be greater equal than 0, otherwise sum will be wrong. raise ValueError('Weights should all be greater equal than 0!') self.frequencies = np.array(frequencies) if self.frequencies.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("*frequencies* must be a four-dimensional array!") self.static_energies = np.array(static_energies) if self.static_energies.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("*static_energies* must be a two-dimensional array!") if temperature < 1e-1: self.temperature = 1 else: self.temperature = temperature self.degeneracies = np.array(degeneracies) self.q_weights = np.array(q_weights) self._scaled_q_weights = self.q_weights / np.sum(q_weights) self.volumes = volumes self.static_only = static_only self.precision = int(precision) self.order = int(order)
[docs] @LazyProperty def unaligned_free_energies_for_each_configuration(self): """ If the input free energy is not aligned for each configuration, first just calculate the "raw" free energy on each volume and each configuration. :return: A matrix, the "raw" free energy of each configuration of each volume. """ configurations_amount, _ = self.volumes.shape return np.array([free_energy(self.temperature, self.q_weights[i], self.static_energies[i], self.frequencies[i], self.static_only) for i in range(configurations_amount)])
[docs] @LazyProperty def aligned_free_energies_for_each_configuration(self): """ Then do a fitting to align all these free energies. :return: A matrix, the aligned free energy of each configuration of each volume. """ return calibrate_energy_on_reference(self.volumes, self.unaligned_free_energies_for_each_configuration, self.order)
[docs] @LazyProperty def partition_functions_for_each_configuration(self): """ Inversely solve the free energy to get partition function for :math:`j` th configuration by .. math:: Z_{j}(T, V) = \\exp \\bigg( -\\frac{ F_{j}(T, V) }{ k_B T } \\bigg). :return: A matrix, the partition function of each configuration of each volume. """ try: import mpmath except ImportError: raise ImportError("Install ``mpmath`` package to use {0} object!".format(self.__class__.__name__)) with mpmath.workprec(self.precision): # shape = (# of configurations, # of volumes for each configuration) exp = np.vectorize(mpmath.exp) return exp(-self.aligned_free_energies_for_each_configuration / (K * self.temperature))
[docs] @LazyProperty def partition_functions_for_all_configurations(self): """ Sum the partition functions for all configurations. .. math:: Z_{\\text{all configs}}(T, V) = \\sum_{j} Z_{j}(T, V). :return: A vector, the partition function of each volume. """ try: import mpmath except ImportError: raise ImportError("Install ``mpmath`` package to use {0} object!".format(self.__class__.__name__)) with mpmath.workprec(self.precision): # shape = (# of volumes,) return np.array([mpmath.exp(d) for d in logsumexp(-self.aligned_free_energies_for_each_configuration.T / (K * self.temperature), axis=1, b=self.degeneracies)])
[docs] def get_free_energies(self): """ The free energy calculated from the partition function :math:`Z_{\\text{all configs}}(T, V)` by .. math:: F_{\\text{all configs}}(T, V) = - k_B T \\ln Z_{\\text{all configs}}(T, V). :return: The free energy on a temperature-volume grid. """ try: import mpmath except ImportError: raise ImportError("Install ``mpmath`` package to use {0} object!".format(self.__class__.__name__)) with mpmath.workprec(self.precision): log_z = np.array([mpmath.log(d) for d in self.partition_functions_for_all_configurations], dtype=float) return -K * self.temperature * log_z