Source code for qha.single_configuration

#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module single_configuration
   :platform: Unix, Windows, Mac, Linux
   :synopsis: Free energy calculator for a single configuration.
.. moduleauthor:: Qi Zhang <>

import numpy as np
from lazy_property import LazyProperty
from numba import jit, float64, boolean

from qha.statmech import ho_free_energy
from qha.type_aliases import Scalar, Vector, Matrix, Array3D

# ===================== What can be exported? =====================
__all__ = ['free_energy', 'HOFreeEnergySampler']

[docs]@jit(float64[:](float64, float64[:], float64[:], float64[:, :, :], boolean), cache=True) def free_energy(temperature: Scalar, q_weights: Vector, static_energies: Vector, frequencies: Array3D, static_only: bool = False) -> Vector: """ The total free energy at a certain temperature. :param temperature: A ``float`` that represents the temperature at which the total free energy is calculated. This value is in unit 'Kelvin'. :param q_weights: An :math:`m \\times 1` vector that represents the weight of each q-point in Brillouin zone sampling. This vector can be non-normalized since a normalization will be done internally. :param static_energies: An :math:`n \\times 1` vector that represents the static energy of the system with :math:`n` different volumes. This should be the same unit as user-defined in the "settings" file. :param frequencies: An :math:`n \\times m \\times l` 3D array that represents the frequency read from file. :param static_only: If ``True``, directly return the static energies, i.e., the *static_energies* parameter itself. This is useful when the user just wants to see static result while keeping all other functions unchanged. :return: An :math:`n \\times 1` vector that represents the total free energy of the system with :math:`n` different volumes. The default unit is the same as in function ``ho_free_energy``. """ if not np.all(np.greater_equal(q_weights, 0)): raise ValueError('Weights should all be greater equal than 0!') if static_only: return static_energies scaled_q_weights: Vector = q_weights / np.sum(q_weights) vibrational_energies: Vector =, frequencies).sum(axis=2), scaled_q_weights) return static_energies + vibrational_energies
[docs]class HOFreeEnergySampler: """ A harmonic oscillator free energy sampler. The differences between ``free_energy`` and ``HOFreeEnergySampler`` are - ``HOFreeEnergySampler`` provides several ways to compute free energies on different q-points, bands or volumes, which could be used to check the correctness of the data. - ``HOFreeEnergySampler`` can make calculation lazy, rather than directly calculates the values immediately. - ``free_energy`` is usually enough for computing the final free energy results. ``HOFreeEnergySampler`` only calculates its vibrational part, static energies are not taken into account. :param temperature: A ``float`` that represents the temperature at which the total free energy is calculated. This value is in unit 'Kelvin'. :param q_weights: An :math:`m \\times 1` vector that represents the weight of each q-point in Brillouin zone sampling. This vector can be non-normalized since a normalization will be done internally. :param frequencies: An :math:`n \\times m \\times l` 3D array that represents the frequencies read from a file, usually in unit :math:`\\text{cm}^{-1}`. """ def __init__(self, temperature: float, q_weights: Vector, frequencies: Array3D): self.temperature = temperature # Fix temperature and volume, just sample q-points and bands self.q_weights = np.array(q_weights, dtype=float) self.omegas = np.array(frequencies, dtype=float) if not np.all(np.greater_equal(q_weights, 0)): raise ValueError('Weights should all be greater equal than 0!') else: self._scaled_q_weights = q_weights / np.sum(q_weights)
[docs] def on_q_point(self, i: int) -> Matrix: # E1(i,m) """ Sample free energy on the :math:`i` th q-point. :param i: An integer labeling :math:`i` th q-point. :return: The accumulated free energy on the :math:`i` th q-point. """ return ho_free_energy(self.temperature, self.omegas[:, i, :])
[docs] def on_band(self, i: int) -> Matrix: """ Sample free energy on the :math:`i` th band. :param i: An integer labeling :math:`i` th band. :return: The accumulated free energy on the :math:`i`th q-point. """ return ho_free_energy(self.temperature, self.omegas[:, :, i])
[docs] def on_volume(self, i: int) -> Scalar: """ Sample free energy on the :math:`i` th volume. :param i: An integer labeling :math:`i` th volume. :return: The accumulated free energy on the :math:`i` th volume. """ return np.vdot(ho_free_energy(self.temperature, self.omegas[i]).sum(axis=1), self._scaled_q_weights)
[docs] @LazyProperty def on_all_volumes(self) -> Vector: """ Sample free energies on every volume. :return: A vector with length equals the number of volumes. Each element is the free energy of one volume. """ # First calculate free energies on a 3D array, then sum along the third axis (bands), # at last contract weights and free energies on all q-points. return, self.omegas).sum(axis=2), self._scaled_q_weights)