#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module thermodynamics
:platform: Unix, Windows, Mac, Linux
:synopsis: Calculate the basic thermodynamic properties for a system: S, U, H, G, Cv on a (T,V) grid.
.. moduleauthor:: Tian Qin <qinxx197@umn.edu>
.. moduleauthor:: Qi Zhang <qz2280@columbia.edu>
import numpy as np
from qha.type_aliases import Matrix, Vector
from qha.v2p import v2p
# ===================== What can be exported? =====================
__all__ = [
def calculate_derivatives(xs: Vector, fs: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the derivative of :math:`f(x)`, i.e., :math:`\\frac{ df(x) }{ dx }`.
:param xs: A 1D vector, with length :math:`N_x`.
:param fs: A matrix, with shape :math:`(N_x, _)`.
:return: A matrix, with shape :math:`(N_x, _)`.
if xs.ndim > 1 or fs.ndim < 2:
raise ValueError('The argument *xs* should be a 1D array and *ys* should be a 2D array!')
return np.gradient(fs, axis=0) / np.gradient(xs)[:, None] # df(x)/dx.
[docs]def pressure(vs: Vector, free_energies: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the pressure as a function of temperature and volume, i.e.,
.. math::
P = - \\bigg( \\frac{ \\partial F(T, V) }{ \\partial V } \\bigg)_T.
:param vs: A vector of volumes.
:param free_energies: A matrix, the free energy as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`F(T, V)`.
:return: A matrix, the pressure as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`P(T,V)`.
return -np.gradient(free_energies, axis=1) / np.gradient(vs)
[docs]def entropy(temperature: Vector, free_energies: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the entropy as a function of temperature and volume, i.e.,
.. math::
S = - \\bigg( \\frac{ \\partial F(T, V) }{ \\partial T } \\bigg)_V.
:param temperature: A vector of temperature.
:param free_energies: A matrix, the free energy as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`F(T, V)`.
:return: A matrix, the entropy as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`S(T,V)`.
return -calculate_derivatives(temperature, free_energies)
[docs]def thermodynamic_potentials(temperature: Vector, vs: Vector, free_energies: Matrix, ps: Matrix):
Calculate the enthalpy :math:`H(T, V)`, the internal energy :math:`U(T, V)`,
and the Gibbs free energy :math:`G` on a :math:`(T, V)` grid from Helmholtz free energy :math:`F(T, V)` by
.. math::
U(T, V) &= F(T, V) + T S(T, V), \\\\
H(T, V) &= U(T, V) + P(T, V) V, \\\\
G(T, V) &= F(T, V) + P(T, V) V.
:param temperature: A vector of temperature.
:param vs: A vector of volumes.
:param free_energies: A matrix, the free energy as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`F(T, V)`.
:param ps: A matrix, the pressure as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`P(T, V)`.
:return: A dictionary that contains the enthalpy :math:`H(T, V)`, the internal energy :math:`U(T, V)`,
and the Gibbs free energy :math:`G` on a :math:`(T, V)` grid. They can be retrieved by ``'U'``, ``'H'``, or
``'G'`` keys, respectively.
g: Matrix = free_energies + ps * vs # G(T,V) = F(T,V) + V * P(T,V)
u: Matrix = free_energies + entropy(temperature, free_energies) * temperature.reshape(-1, 1) # U(T,V) = F(T,V) + T * S(T,V)
h: Matrix = u + ps * vs # H(T,V) = U(T,V) + V * P(T,V)
return {'U': u, 'H': h, 'G': g}
[docs]def volume(vs: Vector, desired_ps: Vector, ps: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Convert the volumes as a function of temperature and pressure, i.e., on a :math:`(T, P)` grid.
:param vs: A vector of volumes.
:param desired_ps: A vector of desired pressures.
:param ps: A matrix, the pressure as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`P(T,V)`, in atomic unit.
:return: A matrix, the volume as a function of temperature and pressure, i.e., :math:`V(T, P)`.
nt, ntv = ps.shape
vs = vs.reshape(1, -1).repeat(nt, axis=0)
return v2p(vs, ps, desired_ps)
[docs]def thermal_expansion_coefficient(temperature: Vector, vs: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the thermal expansion coefficient by
.. math::
\\alpha = \\frac{ 1 }{ V } \\bigg( \\frac{ \\partial V }{ \\partial T } \\bigg)_P.
:param temperature: A vector of temperature.
:param vs: A matrix, the volume as a function of temperature and pressure, i.e., :math:`V(T, P)`.
:return: A matrix, the thermal expansion coefficient as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`\\alpha(T, P)`.
# Division is done by element-wise.
return calculate_derivatives(temperature, vs) / vs
[docs]def gruneisen_parameter(vs: Matrix, bt: Matrix, alpha: Matrix, cv: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the Grüneisen parameter by
.. math::
\\gamma = \\frac{ \\alpha B_T V }{ C_V }.
:param vs: A matrix, the volume as a function of temperature and pressure, i.e., :math:`V(T, P)`.
:param bt: A matrix, the isothermal bulk modulus as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`B_T(T, P)`.
:param alpha: A matrix, the thermal expansion coefficient as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`\\alpha(T, P)`.
:param cv: A matrix, the volumetric heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`C_V(T, P)`.
:return: A matrix, the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`\\gamma(T, P)`.
gamma = np.empty([vs.shape[0], vs.shape[1]])
gamma[0] = 0.0
gamma[1:, :] = vs[1:] * bt[1:] * alpha[1:] / cv[1:]
# return vs * bt * alpha / cv
return gamma
[docs]def isothermal_bulk_modulus(vs: Vector, ps: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the isothermal bulk modulus by
.. math::
B_T = - V \\bigg( \\frac{ \\partial P }{ \\partial V } \\bigg)_T.
:param vs: A vector of volumes.
:param ps: A matrix, the pressure as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`P(T, V)`.
:return: A matrix, the isothermal bulk modulus, as a function of temperature and volume, i.e., :math:`B_T(T, V)`.
return -np.gradient(ps, axis=1) / np.gradient(vs) * vs
[docs]def adiabatic_bulk_modulus(bt: Matrix, alpha: Matrix, gamma: Matrix, temperature: Vector) -> Matrix:
Calculate the adiabatic bulk modulus by
.. math::
B_S = B_T \\big( 1 + \\alpha \\gamma T \\big).
:param bt: A matrix, the isothermal bulk modulus, as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`B_T(T, P)`.
:param alpha: A matrix, the thermal expansion coefficient as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`\\alpha(T, P)`.
:param gamma: A matrix, the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`\\gamma(T, P)`.
:param temperature: A vector of temperature.
:return: A matrix, the adiabatic bulk modulus, as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`B_S(T,P)`.
return bt * (1.0 + alpha * gamma * temperature[:, None])
[docs]def bulk_modulus_derivative(ps: Vector, bt: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the first-order derivative of bulk modulus with respect to pressure by
.. math::
B_T' = \\bigg( \\frac{ \\partial B_T }{ \\partial P } \\bigg).
:param ps: A vector of pressures.
:param bt: A matrix, the isothermal bulk modulus, as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`B_T(T, P)`.
:return: A matrix, the isothermal bulk modulus, as a function of temperature and pressure, i.e.,
:math:`B_T'(T, P)`.
return calculate_derivatives(ps, bt.T).T
[docs]def isobaric_heat_capacity(cv: Matrix, alpha: Matrix, gamma: Matrix, temperature: Vector) -> Matrix:
Calculate the isobaric heat capacity by
.. math::
C_P = C_V \\big( 1 + \\alpha \\gamma T \\big).
:param cv: A matrix, the volumetric heat capacity, :math:`C_V(T, P)`.
:param alpha: A matrix, the thermal expansion coefficient as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`\\alpha(T, P)`.
:param gamma: A matrix, the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`\\gamma(T, P)`.
:param temperature: A vector of temperature.
:return: A matrix, the isobaric specific heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure,
i.e., :math:`C_P(T,P)`.
return cv * (1.0 + alpha * gamma * temperature[:, None])
[docs]def volumetric_heat_capacity(temperature: Vector, internal_energies: Matrix) -> Matrix:
Calculate the volumetric heat capacity by
.. math::
C_V = \\bigg( \\frac{ \\partial U }{ \\partial T } \\bigg).
:param temperature: A vector of temperature.
:param internal_energies: A matrix, the internal energy as a function of temperature and volume,
i.e., :math:`U(T, V)`.
:return: A matrix, the volumetric heat capacity as a function of temperature and volume,
i.e., :math:`C_V(T, V)`.
return calculate_derivatives(temperature, internal_energies)