1.1. How to build this documentationΒΆ

Before reading this, we assume the user already has a Unix or Unix-like shell environment, Bourne-again shell, Z shell, etc. Every command below is executed in such an environment.

If the user wants to build this documentation before our official documentation website is hosted, he/she needs to install Sphinx 1.7.4 and some of its extensions. To install Sphinx, please look up this tutorial. We generally recommend installing pip and use:

$ pip install -Iv sphinx==1.7.4

to install Sphinx.

Besides Sphinx, two more extensions are needed, type:

$ pip install sphinx-autodoc-typehints
$ pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme

in command line. One may have to install qha itself, see Getting started for more details.

After all the installation is done, go to project repo and type:

$ git clone https://github.com/MineralsCloud/qha.git

in command line. The go to path/to/cloned/repo/docs/, and run command:

$ make clean && make html

to build this documentation. The output files are at path/to/cloned/repo/docs/build/html/, and the entry point is the index.html under this directory.

There might be some warnings in a not well-formatted documentation building process, but as long as it does not throw errors, that is fine.