
To install this package, first, you need to install a julia executable from its official website. Version v1.0.0 and above is required. This package may not work on v0.7 and below.

Installing Julia

on macOS

If you are using a Mac, and have Homebrew installed, open and type:

brew cask install julia

on Linux

On Linux, the best way to install Julia is to use the Generic Linux Binaries. The JILL script does this for you. Just run

bash -ci "$(curl -fsSL"

installs Julia into $HOME/.local/bin. This script also has a Python version, It can also be used on macOS.

Installing the package

Now I am using macOS as a standard platform to explain the following steps:

  1. Open, and type julia to start a Julia session.

  2. Run

    julia> using Pkg; Pkg.update()
    julia> Pkg.add("Unitful")
    julia> Pkg.add("UnitfulAtomic")
    julia> Pkg.add("EquationsOfState")

    and wait for its finish.

  3. Run

    julia> using EquationsOfState.Collections, EquationsOfState.Find, EquationsOfState.NonlinearFitting, Unitful, UnitfulAtomic

    and have fun!

  4. While using, please keep this Julia session alive. Restarting may recompile the package and cost some time.


  1. In the same Julia session, run

    julia> Pkg.rm("EquationsOfState"); Pkg.gc()
  2. Press ctrl+d to quit the current session. Start a new Julia session and repeat the above steps.