How to use EquationsOfState in Python?

It may be attempting for Pythonistas to use this package in Python, without writing too much code. Luckily, Julia provides such a feature.

  1. First, install PyCall.jl, following their instructions. Notice on macOS, that if you want to install Python from pyenv, you may need to run

    env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install 3.6.9

    in terminal to install your python, or else Julia will throw an

    ImportError: No module named site

    See this issue and another issue for details.

  2. Install PyJulia in Python. Please see its official tutorial for instructions.

  3. Open a (an) Python (IPython) session, start playing!

    In [1]: from julia import Unitful
    In [2]: from julia.EquationsOfState.Collections import *
    In [3]: from julia.EquationsOfState import *
    In [4]: Murnaghan(1, 2, 3.0, 4)
    Out[4]: <PyCall.jlwrap EquationsOfState.Collections.Murnaghan{Float64}(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)>
    In [5]: result = lsqfit(
       ...:     BirchMurnaghan3rd(1, 2, 3.0, 0)(Pressure()),
       ...:     [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
       ...:     [5, 6, 9, 8, 7],
       ...: )
    In [6]: result.v0, result.b0, result.bp0
    Out[6]: (1.1024687826913997, 29.308616965851673, 12.689089874230556)
    In [7]: from julia import Main
    In [8]: volumes = Main.eval("data[:, 1] .* UnitfulAtomic.bohr^3")
    In [9]: energies = Main.eval("data[:, 2] .* UnitfulAtomic.Ry")
    In [10]: Main.eval("EquationsOfState.NonlinearFitting.lsqfit(EquationsOfState.Collections.Murnaghan(224.445371 * UnitfulAtomic.bohr^3, 9.164446 * Unitful.GPa, 3.752432, -161.708856 * UnitfulAtomic.hartree)(EquationsOfState.Energy()), volumes, energies)")
    Out[10]: <PyCall.jlwrap EquationsOfState.Collections.Murnaghan{Unitful.Quantity{Float64,D,U} where U where D}(224.5018173532159 a₀^3, 8.896845579229117 GPa, 3.7238388137735674, -161.70884303138902 Eₕ)>

    where data is copied from Julia:

    In [1]: data = Main.eval("""
       ...:    [
       ...:        159.9086 -323.4078898
                       ⋮          ⋮
       ...:        319.8173 -323.4105393
       ...:    ]
       ...:    """
       ...: )